
Keep Track of Everything You've Ever Bought. No Loss. Your Gain.

Not knowing what physical assets your office owns or where they should reside is the business equivalent of playing Russian Roulette. Stop pointing a loaded gun at valuable pieces of company property and invest in LunaSoft’s Inventory & Asset Management software. Assign equipment to a specific employee; keep track of product warranties; never again do you have to lose a product key. People often say that knowledge means power, and it’s true. You want the best for your business, so now is the time to count LunaAssets as one of your closest (and most powerful) friends.

Key features include:

Asset/Inventory Manager

  • Manage inventory items specific to your organization
  • View, add, edit or delete individual inventory items
  • Created by
  • Last edited by
  • Multiple Image upload
    • Automatic thumbnail creation
    • Automatic medium size image creation
    • Automatic image optimization
    • Mini image with dynamic hover of large image

Create entries, add pictures, receipts, warranty info, serial numbers, model numbers, and much more.

Sort by location, category, and quickly duplicate common items to reduce data entry.

You can assign assets by individual and / or location, which is great for when items go offsite or are signed out.

Typical Uses For This Module Include:

  1. Keeping track of all things owned by the organization and where they are located

  2. Managing inventory and disposal of assets

  3. Insurance purposes - you can quickly pull a report of all items every purchased

  4. Software codes - Serial numbers for software licenses and installations

  5. Looking up warranty information when something breaks or malfunctions; similarly dealing with returns

Screenshot of Main View

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