Listing Manager Categories - All Categories Summary
[base module url]/{lm_id}/listings/all
The listing manager categories endpoint is used to list the different categories in a listing manager.
Sort parameters ( ?sort=param,param,etc )
Default: -id
Boolean sort behavior will sort as integer 0/1 respectively for false/true for purposes of sort order ( asc/desc )
Parameter | Info | Asc/Desc |
order | admin specified ordering | Y |
id | id number | Y |
created | Creation time | Y |
Filter parameters ( ?parameter=value¶meter=value&etc )
Default: none
This endpoint has no filters.
Sample Response
The "next_page" will contain an integer for the next page number to retrieve the next set of results using ?page. If "next_page" is false, there are no more pages of results to retrieve
Listing Manager Categories - Individual Category Details
[base module url]/{lm_id}/categories/{category_id}
The listing manager categories details endpoint is used to list the details for a category in a listing manager.
Sort parameters ( ?sort=param,param,etc )
Default: -id
Boolean sort behavior will sort as integer 0/1 respectively for false/true for purposes of sort order ( asc/desc )
Parameter | Info | Asc/Desc |
order | admin specified ordering | Y |
id | id number | Y |
created | Creation time | Y |
Filter parameters ( ?parameter=value¶meter=value&etc )
Default: none
This endpoint has no filters.
Sample Response
"categories": [
"id": "512",
"parent_id": "3",
"site_id": "1",
"listing_mgr_id": "1",
"name": "Medical Devices",
"description": "",
"secondary": null,
"slug": "medical-devices",
"order": "0",
"price": "0.00",
"created": "2015-11-06 08:25:24",
"created_ip": "",
"created_user_id": "1572",
"modified": "0000-00-00 00:00:00",
"modified_user_id": "0"
Listing Manager Categories - Update Category
[base module url]/{lm_id}/categories/update
The listing manager category update endpoint is used to update the details of a category in a listing manager.
Request Information
When doing an Update, include only the field(s) that you would like to change as well as the id of the category(s).
"title":"Category 1",
"title":"Category 2",
Sample Response
The response is the same as when requesting a category's details.
Listing Manager Categories - Create Category
[base module url]/{lm_id}/categories/create
The listing manager category create endpoint is used to create a category in a listing manager.
Request Information
When creating a new category, include only the field(s) that you would like. The id field will be ignored. The only required field is the title.
"title":"Category 1",
"title":"Category 2",
Sample Response
The response is the same as when requesting a category's details.
Listing Manager Categories - Delete Category
[base module url]/{lm_id}/categories/delete
The listing manager category delete endpoint is used to delete categories in a listing manager.
Request Information
When doing a delete, pass in a JSON array of id fields. This must be in the post data.
Sample Response
The response is the same as when requesting a category's details.