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How do I add pictures?
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How do I create a blog post?
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Search Knowledge Base
Change Email Password
If you have email addresses on the platform - each user can easily change their email password at th...
Email Deliverability, Whitelisting, Blacklists, RBLs
Email Deliverability
As you probably know, email recipients have become more and more sensitive to ...
What is Bandwidth?
Bandwidth refers to the amount data that is downloaded from a web page.
For example - if someone la... API Login ID and Transaction Key Setup Merchant Gateway
In order for you to begin processing transactions - you will need to get your API login ID and trans...
Merging Venues in Calendar
Watch the Video Merging a Venue
To get started, login to your website's admin interface. This can b...
404 - Page Cannot Be Found
The platform comes with a default 404 error page or a "page cannot be found" in the system.
You can...
Finding Data - Filters, Sorting, Keyword Searching, Date Range
The platform has built in sorting, searching, date range and filtering where data rows are output.
Dynamic Drop Downs
How do I get dropdowns of sub pages to display upon hovering them in the header navigation? (Dynamic...
Creating A Photo Gallery
Creating a photo gallery is easy, start by clicking on the Files Manager.
Select the category yo...
Page Cannot be Found - unknown page in Search Engine Index
Sometimes a page will come up in a search engine like Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc. that does not exist ...
Google Base Merchants for Shopping
The LunaSoft Shopping Cart is built to work with Google Base Merchants product feed for customer tha...
Google Maps Widget
It's easy to embed a dynamic Google Map on your web page.
First go to the "pages" and click on th...
Server Tools
Since many customers don't have their own IT department, webmaster or server administrator - we've p...
Resetting Password
How do I Reset My Password?
You can reset your password by going to the login area of your website ...
SSL Certificates - Encrypting Sensitive Data
If you would like us to install an SSL certificate for you and update it every quarter - please cont...
Using Our Help Desk
I tried to view a reply on my help desk ticket, used the credentials I use for my website, but ...
Overview of the Lunalytics Module
Lunalytics FAQ's
When I view the "Search Keyphrases" section of Lunalytics, why is there no data po...
Within many of our Modules, you are able to edit web content using a content window and its toolbar....
Drag and Drop
You are able to click on an item within lists and drag it on the screen. You must clic...
Overview of the Social Media Module
When you login and click to view the social media module - you will see the reporting screen.
This ...
Managing Pages
Watch the VideoCreating a New Page
To get started, login to your website's admin interface. This ca...
Adding Media
Watch the VideoAdding Pictures
This tutorial will show you how to add pictures you have already upl...
Adding Links
Watch the VideoAdding a New Link
In order to create a link, simply highlight the page text you woul...
Watch the VideoAn Overview of Components
Components are similar to regions in that they are section...
Watch the VideoViewing Page Statistics
Here you are able to view statistics about your page chang...
Pages Settings
Dynamic Content
Dynamic Content is the same functionality as the Scripts tab in the Pages section, ...
Skinning Checklist
If you need to skin a web design that will be added to Lunasoft's selection of themes, you need to c...
CMS Scripting & Tokens, TWIG and Skinning a Theme/Template
CMS Scripting and Tokens
Tokens are snippets of text that enable you to output content dyna...
Managing Files
Watch the VideoCreating Categories
By default, simply uploading files leave them uncategorized. It ...
Blog Posts
Creating Categories
Quickly Creating Multiple Categories
If you already have multiple categories...
Blog Settings
Below, you will see a sample website showcasing many changes to your blog available in Settings. Cli...
Shopping Cart Products
Creating Categories
Quickly Creating Multiple Categories
If you already have multiple categories...
Status Updates
With the Lunasoft platform, you can email the tracking number to your customers afte...
Promotional Codes not only help you to drive sales, but they also help you to track your marketing. ...
You can create Specials if you would like your customers to enjoy a discount without needing to use ...
Gift Certificates
There are 2 ways to use gift certificates:
1. Go to shopping/gift certificates on the left. Create ...
Credit Vouchers
In order to create a Credit Voucher, click the "Add voucher" button.
Code: the code used at c...
Group Pricing
Group Pricing allows you to define a continuous discount for a specified group of registered users.
Shopping Settings
Tax Options
The tax rate is configured per location from
Shipping Options
Shipping Options
In order to create a new Shipping Option, navigate to the Shopping Cart, click S...
Mass Import Products
Mass Import Products
Import Products
Step 1: Navigate to Shopping > Settings > Bulk Update. Down...
HTML5 Streaming Video Slow?
There are many factors that could be in play. Depending on the network connection and saturation of ...
Product Variations
Product Variations
Navigate to Shopping > Settings > Product Variations. This is where you are able...
Manage Users
Adding New Users
Click the "Add new User" button.
In this window, enter all of the personal in...
SKU Relations / Inventory Stacks
Currently this option is available for Tier 3 Shopping Cart Customers. Here's how it works:
In orde...
Payment Options
Payment Options
Navigate to Shopping > Settings > Payment Options.
In order to create a new Paym...
Users Settings
Registration emails can be disabled by toggling the light bulb, while the lost password em...
Email Setup/Support
If you have email as part of your platform subscription - you can access email using webmail, or a 3...